Support our work to stop the NJ Transit Power Plant in Kearny
Nearly two years ago, after more than a year and a half of fierce grassroots opposition, Governor Murphy directed NJ Transit to halt plans for a gas-fired power plant as part of its TransitGrid Resilience Program. Now, after spending over a year “reimagining” the project, NJ Transit is back to a design that again includes a polluting gas-fired plant! We can’t allow NJ Transit, a state-owned transportation system whose board of directors is appointed by the Governor, to delay climate action by adding new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Your gift will help Empower NJ commission a research study from Strategen to determine whether there are better, safer, and more economical options available to NJ Transit than a new gas-fired power plant. If, as we expect, the results of the study bear that out, we will be using them in our lobbying, educational, and public pressure campaigns to get Governor Murphy and other elected officials to reject the current direction of this project and get NJ Transit back on track towards a renewable energy-based solution
The full cost of the research is $10,000. Clean Energy Group has volunteered to pay for half and with other confirmed donations, we are seeking to raise $4,400. A few dollars from many people will make this an easy lift.
Donations are 100% secure and tax-deductible.
Thank you in advance for your support.