Towns in the region are now starting to pass resolutions opposing the NJ TRANSITGRID power plant project. Will yours be one of them?

These towns have already passed municipal resolutions:
Want to add your town to this list? Ask your town officials to start with this model resolution, and/or click here to contact us!
You can use this sample letter to introduce the resolution to your local officials.

“I think we could all agree that building for resiliency, making sure that the rails are powered should we suffer another Superstorm Sandy, is a laudable goal. There is no reason to predicate that resiliency on a new natural gas plant—a plant which would fire continuously for decades, regardless of whether or not there’s an emergency. The micro grid is meant to kick in during a failure of the larger power grid. The micro grid is thus mostly about the distribution of power, not generation of new power. The problem being solved—the resiliency being created—is in power distribution. That should be the focus of this project, either by tapping into available power sources or by laying the groundwork for a renewable energy source. If we build a new natural gas power plant today, we’ll be living with it into the 2060s. What a terrible inheritance to leave for future generations! There’s no reason to build another piece of fossil fuel infrastructure in New Jersey: not now, not ever again! This plant is wrongheaded, and I stand with you in opposition to its construction.”
– NJ Senate Majority Leader, Loretta Weinberg (LD38)