
The North Bergen Liberty Generating Project is a proposed gas-fired power plant


Parcel in North Bergen
Township, right along the border of Ridgefield Borough in NJ

1 %

They would export electricity to
New York City through
underground cables running below the Hudson

2.4 Million Metric Tons

of Carbon Dioxide Every Year


It could be very close to being the one top greenhouse gas producer in North Jersey.


These types of plants are monsters of air pollution in New Jersey emitting heavy metals and chemicals like ammonia and nitrogen oxide.

They would need to upgrade a pipeline into the proposed natural gas powerplant

More natural gas means more pipelines like the TRANSCO Rivervale Pipeline

More pipelines means more fracking – this means more GHGs emitted and toxic frack
wastewater discharge containing over 700 chemicals.

Diamond Generating Corp.
(a subsidiary of Mitsubishi), is in the process of obtaining the permits needed

  • The proposed plant would need federal permits or approvals from the Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and other federal agencies.
  • Army Corps environmental/historic preservation review
  • FERC transmission agreement approval
  • Federal construction review by the U.S. Coast Guard
  • Notice of construction to the Federal Aviation Administration
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has delegated some federal air
    permitting and water permitting authorities to the NJ DEP. Additionally, NJ
    DEP has state jurisdiction over other construction permits that affect
    vulnerable land, ecosystems and waterways.
  • Air permit approval — both preconstruction permits and operating permits
  • Tidewater wetlands approval. (The company has not completed the
    purchase of land for the proposed plant, but it could include buying or
    leasing land that intrudes into waterways.)
  • Water Quality Certificate under CWA 401
  • NJ DEP Division of Land Use Regulation must approve a Waterfront
    Development Permit
  • Coastal Zone Management Consistency Certification
  • Utility approval for wastewater
  • Utility approval for expansion of gas utility interconnection
  • New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority Approval, including companies application to have location re-zoned as ”in need of redevelopment”
  • Land use, zoning and other local oversight

Take Action

  1. Go to your municipal council meeting and ask your council and mayor
    to pass a resolution opposing the Meadowlands Power Plant.
  2. Write, call and visit your county, state and federal representatives.
  3. Ask Governor Murphy to put a moratorium on new gas plants in New Jersey because we need to stop the proliferation of dirty fossil fuels across our state.
  4. Volunteer to help inform your neighbors and community members!
  5. Download Nextdoor and tell all your neighbors.

or  text “Meadowlands” to the number 69866